About Middle Eastern Art Gallery Amsterdam
From Damascus to Dubai, from Beirut to Doha: art is hot and happening
The Middle East is my favourite region: I love the people, their hospitality, the local cuisine and their art! After many visits to Beirut, Damascus, Doha, Abu Dhabi and Dubai I came to realise that a lot of people in Europe and the rest of the world are still unfamiliar with art from this region. Since spectacular auctions took place in 2006, records are broken. The region is booming.
From Damascus to Dubai, from Beirut to Doha: art is hot and happening.
Art Dubai, Abu Dhabi art fair are events not to be missed. The Middle East,North African,South Asian art fair (MENASART) held in Beirut last year was a big hit.
Doha’s Modern Arab art museum opened it’s doors in 2010. With the opening of satellites of the Louvre Abu Dhabi (2016) the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi (2017) on the Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi the region will be a major player in the international art scene.
The rapid evolution of Middle Eastern contemporary art is boosted by the easiness of web communication, the development of new media,important publications and new collectors.
With my gallery, ME Art Gallery Amsterdam, I want to try to get this region in the picture from an artistic point of view. With reviews of art fairs, personal impressions of auctions, interviews with artists, links etc. I hope the region gets the attention and appreciation which it deserves.
Sir Gerard Blijenberg
The Founder


ME Art Gallery is also covering Middle Eastern Art and exhibitions online

Visit to Art Hub Gallery Dubai, an exhibition space for the community where proactive ideas, diverse art forms, artists and audiences can come together to create the image of UAE through the international art.

ME Art Gallery Amsterdam was founded in Amsterdam with the goal of promoting Art from the Middle East, and the Arab world.

Galrie stand op Affordable Art Fair in Amsterdam. Stand A16 was erg succesvol en is heel vaak bezocht.
Werken kwamen uit Libanon (Fatima-El Hajj, en Jamil Molaeb) en Ghana :Maxwell Boadi. Highlights waren The Birds en Small Village van Jamil Molaeb. Ook de werken (te veel om op te noemen) van Maxwell Boadi waren zeer in trek: de kleuren, de composities en niet in de laatste plaats het formaat en zijn speciale techniek. Het publiek was erg verrast te horen dat de artiesten niet in Nederland wonen maar respectievelijk in Libanon en Ghana.

Ook dit jaar stond de galerie op de Affordable Art Fair in de Kromhouthal, in Amsterdam Noord. Dit keer een nog grotere stand met meer kunstenaars uit onder andere Libanon, Frankrijk, Ghana en Nederland. De stand werd druk bezocht en met name het werk van Jad El Khoury uit Libanon was al verkocht voor de vernissage. Ook dit jaar komt Jad terug met zeer verrassend werk.
In 2019 Jad El Khoury from Lebanon had his first solo exhibition in Amsterdam at the Affordable Art Fair.
Please click on video below.
video booth solo exhibition Jad El Khoury Amsterdam